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Identity and abundance of soft corals (Alcyonacea: Octocorallia) from shallow waters in Chagos.

G.B. Reinicke
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Species and abundance surveys of soft corals from the 1996 expedition yielded. Around 70 octocoral species were identified and a species list is included. Alcyonacean corals were examined in various sites and habitats from reef flats to deep reef slopes at 40-50 m depth.**Data for Figure 3** Results of line transect surveys at Peros Banhos Atoll (conducted by R Crawford, May 1979).SE seaward slope of Ile Fouquet, 8-39m and SE seaward slope of Ile Fouquet, 10-36m.**Data for Figure 4** Results of line transect surveys at Peros Banhos Atoll (conducted by R. Crawford, May 1979). NW seaward slope off Ile Poule, 3-46m**Data for Figure 5** Results of quadrat transect surveys at Salomons atoll (conducted by R. Crawford, May 1979). NW seaward slope off Ile Anglaise, S-end, 8-33m and Salomons Atoll NW-passage, seaward drop off; 16.5-33m**Table 1.**Sites and habitats surveyed during the expedition and described in the present paper (numbers refer to fig. 1; * = sample sites of R. Crawford; lc = living coverage).**Table 2.** Generalised grouping of soft coral assemblages according to the patterns observed in different habitats of the Chagos reefs**Appendix 1.**Octocoral species list for Chagos
Octocorallia soft_corals alcyonacea species_assemblage benthic community_structure abiotic_environment habitat_conditions wave_exposition lagoon
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Reinicke G , Van Ofwegan L .