Why is the ocean important?
Why is the ocean important?
With the ocean covering 72% of the Earth’s surface we truly are a “blue planet” and even if we don’t live near it, our lives are still dependent on the ocean in many ways. The ocean produces more than half of our oxygen and absorbs over a third of the carbon dioxide we produce. It also plays a key role in the regulation of our climate and can dictate weather patterns that head our way.
How do we use the ocean?
- 2.6 billion people rely on fish from the ocean as their primary source of protein.
- Commercial fisheries and the jobs associated with it employ over 200 million people around the world.
- Coral reefs attract tourists from all around the world and bring in an estimated $9.6billion US dollars in revenue!
- Millions of people head to the beach every year for their holidays, enjoying water sports and swimming in the ocean.
- The ocean holds cures for many human ailments. The sea hare (pictured) has been used in research on dementia due to its simple brain and ability to learn.
- We rely on coral reefs for protection against large storms. Huge waves crash onto the reef and lose much of their energy before reaching the coast and people’s homes.
- Thousands of huge container ships and tankers are constantly moving billions of tons of goods around the world on key trade routes.
- We don’t just extract fish from the oceans. We also take coral itself to build homes with, and sand to replenish our shrinking beaches.