D’Apres de Mannevillette and Dalrymple
- Field of study
- Exploration
- Start
- /1777
- End
- //1777
- Description
- Alexander Dalrymple worked as a hydrographer for the East India Company from 1779 and later the first hydrographer to the British navy in 1795, his skills in cartography made him a valuable asset during the beginning of the Napoleonic wars. He had a strong interest in the islands east of India and trading possibilities between them. Even during the British and French wars Dalrymple had a productive professional correspondence with French hydrographer M. D’Apres de Mannevillette, sharing information about British and French voyages around the Chagos the pair were able to create the most accurate maps of the islands to date.
- Expedition leader
- Monsieur D'Apres de Mannevillette
- Expedition leader email
- Members
- Publications
- Sites